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Full Spectrum Painting Pros

Terms of Use


Important Note: The information presented in this web site is not intended to take the place of the professional evaluation and services performed by Full Spectrum Painting Pros its employees, members, affiliates or subcontractors. Contacting us via e-mail or any other means is not a substitute for professional services or an agreement to provide services.

Please read this agreement entirely and carefully before using this web site or attempting to contact us via e-mail. By using the site or e-mail form, you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions below. If you do not wish to be bound by these terms and conditions, you should not use the site or contact us via e-mail.


Use of Information
The information and reference materials contained here are intended solely for the general information of the user. It is not to be used for “do it yourself” projects nor does it constitute recommendations for how you as an individual should proceed in maintaining your home or office property.


Legal Disclaimers
This site does not constitute an attempt to enter into a relationship or agreement to provide services without the express written approval of a scope of work and quotation regarding your particular project(s). This site makes no representations or offers any guarantee or warranty regarding paint, painting or other projects you may engage Full Spectrum Painting Pros to provide. While the site attempts to be as accurate as possible, it should not be relied upon as being comprehensive or error-free e-mail inquiry does not serve as a means of communicating a request for information or engagement and is not a substitute for scheduling an appointment for a quote or personal discussion. This web site reserves the right to change its disclaimer or privacy policy, so users should review these periodically.


Disclaimer of Liability
The user of this web site assumes all responsibility and risk for the use of this web site. Under no circumstances shall Full Spectrum Painting Pros or its employees or its affiliates or anyone else involved in creating or maintaining this web site be liable for any DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL or CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, or LOST PROFITS that result directly or indirectly from the use or inability to use the web site and/or any other web sites which are linked to this site - or that result directly or indirectly from mistakes, omissions, interruptions, deletion of files, viruses, errors, defects, or any failure of performance, communications failure, theft, destruction or unauthorized access. In states that do not allow some or all of the above limitations of liability, liability shall be limited to the greatest extent allowed by law.


Disclaimer of Endorsement
Reference to any products, services, hypertext link to the third parties or other information by trade name, trademark, supplier or otherwise does not constitute or imply its endorsement, sponsorship or recommendation by Full Spectrum Painting Pros or its employees or those of its affiliates. They are for convenience only.

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